828.273.1401 m3@mnmministry.org

Mark and Melanie are both ordained ministers who love Jesus and people. Meeting in the summer of 1981 in Gatlinburg Tennessee on a Student Summer Mission with Campus Crusade for Christ, they have dedicated their lives to serving Christ and His people their entire married life. 

After spending two years in a ministry to International Students at Oklahoma State University, Mark attended Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. Upon graduation with a Master of Divinity, Mark and Melanie planted a church in rural Indiana. 

Both Melanie and Mark have held church staff positions since then, serving in just about every ministry in the local church. Since retiring from full time ministry, they have dedicated their lives to training young ministers, and leading seminars on parenting, marriage and relationships.

We truly appreciate all of those who support us both in prayer and financially. We know that we are never alone as we minister in the love of Christ and the leadership and power of the Spirit. We pray blessings on you and ask that you accept a sincere thank you from both of us!