828.273.1401 m3@mnmministry.org

One of the most exciting things about ministry is the many ways in which we can partner with

the body of Christ. I love how relationships are made as we connect on common vision and

purpose; realizing how though we may speak different languages and may come from a very

different culture, God’s mission for His kids is the same……Learning authentic love for self,

neighbor, and God. Our greatest mission is to learn to love. Period.

Love has many faces. It may look like a medical team going into a village in a remote part of

the world to bring much needed healthcare. It may be a team of folks serving in the local soup

kitchen. It may be helping to provide a camp for underprivileged kids in urban America. Or, it

may be monies that help translate resources for discipleship and outreach into the national


Two years ago, I had the marvelous privilege of traveling to the Czech Republic at the invitation

of a pastor with whom the church I was on staff with had years of relationship with. He wanted

me to come to his church to cast vision for family ministry and to mentor the young woman

who was becoming the family pastor. It was a no-brainer. Yes. Yes. Yes! Mark and I went, very

excited, yet humbled and a bit nervous. We believed that we were on a “one time” mission to

share experience and a philosophy of ministry that we greatly believe in, yet it has become

much larger than we could have ever expected! Part of the need, we found, was fresh and

current discipleship curriculum for the children and youth. I knew the perfect curriculum, but it

was only published in English and it could be quite expensive.

I soon became the “squeaky wheel” reaching out to the company that publishes and

distributes the curriculum Element Church in Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic wanted. It is

called Orange. Orange is more than a curriculum, it is a philosophy of ministry that teaches the

importance of “church and parents” working together to disciple children into embracing the

Gospel; embracing the principle that parents are the main “disciplers” of their children with the

church coming along side with support and training.

I began to reach out to the international director at Orange. I called. I emailed. I called. I

emailed. Then, one day, I finally got a response. Sure, we could get the material, but it would

take a lot of time and would likely cost us a lot of money. I arranged for Jana, the Element

Church family pastor, and I to meet with the director during the annual Orange Conference in

Atlanta. I was prepared to lay out the needs with many reasons the Czech churches needed to

have access to as much as possible without a lot of expense. (Many of you reading this had

already been praying for favor and wisdom for this project.)

Jana and I arrived to meet with Mike Jeffries, the international director at Orange. I had my list

of questions ready. We sat down and I handed out my list to each person in the meeting. I was

ready to “argue our case.” My palms were sweaty and my heart pounded as I cleared my throat

to begin. I had started and didn’t get far when, much to my surprise, I was gently interrupted.

My heart skipped a beat as I expected to be told it would not be possible.

What I heard next was nothing short of a miracle! Mike was saying that Orange had decided to

give us all rights to Orange Essentials with all the graphic files needed to translate! The only

thing they asked for in return was a small royalties compensation once the translated product

was published! God is so big and will absolutely go above all we can believe and hope for!

Thanks to those of you who have been praying for this project and to those who have already

donated funds. We are continuing to raise publishing funds for this important training material

in Czech. The first printing needs approximately $5000. To date we have raised more than half

of this amount.

Today, you may  donate toward this great and worthy project.

Thank you for partnering in prayer and purpose!

Love and Blessings,

