“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10 ESV
COVID-19 and what’s next for M3 this summer
Greetings wonderful and amazing M3 ministry partners! I’m sure that most, if not all of you, have been wondering how this present pandemic will affect our summer missions plans. Right now, we are on hold. Much depends on how long this virus may last and how the schools plan on making up the lost school time. Lukas, lead pastor at Element Church will let us know as soon as he is notified. He has said to expect at least six weeks before a formal announcement is made.
What if the summer mission trip is cancelled?
What will happen to my donation?
Please continue to give towards our mission. Though all summer activities may be cancelled, The Orange Project is still going strong with plans to continue reaching out to other churches who want to purchase the curriculum and who are asking for follow up and training. Jana just received the legal “green light” from Orange this week to begin shipping out curriculum! This is such wonderful and exciting news!!!
We will return to Czechia at some point, if not this year, next year. Unless you direct us other wise, we will keep all donations in our M3 account. If you have any questions or concerns, please, please contact us:
828-273-1401 (Melanie)
828-230-1700 (Mark)
Beautiful Ways our Czech friends are responding to their communities…
The above photos document how Jana and her community are reaching out to their neighbors. The last photo is of a poster put up by teens. It says,
“Dear neighbors, 89% of people who died in Italy were older than 60 years. If you can, please stay at home. If you need groceries, talk to somebody or anything else, please call me. We would miss your experiences!
Your Youth”
Wow! Isn’t this a beautiful way that the younger generation has honored their elders!
We are incredibly grateful for you, our partners! We are thankful for how so many of you have encouraged us and continued to stay in touch and pray for us and our amazing Czech family at Element Church in Hradec Krolove, as we also pray for you.
Be forever blessed as we look to the One who is the same yesterday, today, and forever!
Mark and Melanie